Check out our blog posts below, where you will find motivation and tips to help keep you on track and learn Spanish faster!

Stay motivated and learn Spanish faster!

   Do you feel distracted, frustrated, or simply don’t know where to start on your journey to learn Spanish? You have come to the right place!

   The purpose of this blog is to keep you working toward your goal and update you with tips and insights into learning Spanish faster. There is of course, no magical short cut to make you fluent overnight; however, motivation and inspiration play a big role into how far and fast you will go in your language acquisition. If you are hitting a plateau or are steadily plagued with taking your new words and failing at formulating sentences, you are not alone.

   Many popular language learning apps, as great as they are, focus mainly on word memorization. Word memorization is obviously extremely important, and it lays a great foundation, but it is much harder to work on grammar and sentence structure in this manner.

   Therefore, it is crucial that we be reading material that is just a bit beyond our level of understanding, so that we can start filling in those gaps and blanks naturally and without even worrying about the why the structure works the way it does. It will just come to you.

  The videos we created are engineered in a way that we feel is most conducive to your Spanish learning. You will become more familiar with how Spanish sounds in conversational form, and a bit slower than in movies or TV shows, which can kind of just whiz by you too quickly.

  The blog posts on the other hand, are purely to motivate you, keep you interested in mastering the Spanish language before you give up,  and give you tips and tricks to help you achieve this.  IT IS possible!  And it's not that difficult!  Relax and enjoy the journey to fluency!


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